ISSN 2225-5818, eISSN 2309-9992

Journal founders

  • E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv);
  • Scientific production enterprise «Saturn» (Kyiv);
  • Odesa National Polytechnic University (Odesa);
  • PE «Politekhperiodika» (Odesa).

Journal publisher: PE «Politekhperiodika» (Odesa)

Periodicity: 4 numbers per year

Date of foundation: 1977

Languages ​​of publication: bilingual (Ukrainian, English)

The journal is included in the category «Б» of the List of scientific specialized publications of Ukraine in the fields of Technical Sciences and Physical and Mathematical Sciences by the following specialties

  • 105 Applied physics and nanomaterials;
  • 123 Computer Engineering;
  • 132 Material science;
  • 141 Electricity, electrical engineering and electromechanics;
  • 151 Automation and computer integrated technology;
  • 152 Metrology and information and measurement equipment;
  • 163 Biomedical engineering;
  • 171 Electronics;
  • 172 Telecommunications and radio engineering.

Disciplines: Technical Sciences and Physical and Mathematical Sciences

The journal publishes applied scientific and experimental research papers in the following subject areas:

  • Modern electronic technologies;
  • New components for electronic equipment;
  • Electronic devices: research, development;
  • Microwave engineering;
  • Systems of signals transfer and processing;
  • Microprocessor-based devices and systems;
  • Power electronics;
  • Semiconductor light engineering;
  • Biomedical electronics;
  • Sensors;
  • Functional micro- and nanoelectronics;
  • Thermal management;
  • Production technology and equipment;
  • Materials of electronics;
  • Metrology. Standardization.

Program objectives: promoting the acceleration of scientific and technological progress in the radio-electronic, instrument-making and other industries of Ukraine through the publication of domestic and foreign achievements in research, development and production of materials, elements, components of electronic devices and equipment; promoting Ukraine's entry into the global information space.

Journal sections

Modern electronic technologies; new components for electronic equipment; electronic devices: research, development; microwave engineering; signals transfer and processing systems; microprocessor-based devices and systems; problems of instrument making; semiconductor light engineering power electronics; biomedical electronics; sensors; functional micro- and nanoelectronics; thermal management; production technology and equipment; materials of electronics; metrology, standardization; on the history of science and engineering.

Target audience: scientists and specialists in the field of research, development and production of electronic equipment

Media ID R30-03458 (resolution of the National Service of Ukraine regarding TV and radio supply No. 896 dated 03.21.2024)