Requirements for articles
- The editorial board accepts for consideration applied articles in Ukrainian or English, which have not been published before and are not submitted for publication to other journals.
- The journal publishes applied scientific and experimental research papers in the following subject areas:
- Modern electronic technologies;
- New components for electronic equipment;
- Electronic devices: research, development;
- Microwave engineering;
- Systems of signals transfer and processing;
- Microprocessor-based devices and systems;
- Power electronics;
- Semiconductor light engineering;
- Biomedical electronics;
- Sensors;
- Functional micro- and nanoelectronics;
- Thermal management;
- Production technology and equipment;
- Materials of electronics;
- Metrology. Standardization.
- All incoming materials undergo double-blind peer-review.
- If plagiarism or falsification of research results is found, the article will be rejected.
- The editorial board does not charge a fee for the publication and does not pay royalties.
- In order for the article to be considered for publication, it must comply with generally accepted standards of structuring scientific publications, i.e., the paper must contain:
- description of the problem, analyzing publications over the past 5 years and justifying the need for conducting research;
- statement of the purpose of the article (problem);
- discussion and interpretation of the results;
- conclusions.
Moreover, the editorial board will be interested in the following aspects:
- possibility of practical application;
- appropriate tables and illustrations, without data duplication;
- adequately cited references;
- accurate terminology;
- clear composition and justifiable volume of the manuscript.
- When preparing the article, the following should be considered:
— the title, the purpose statement and conclusions must conform to each other;
— the title of the manuscript should be specific, informative, and at the same time not too long;
— key words should be selected so as to improve the probability of finding the article through search engines;
— the abstract, being quite compact (up to 100 words) and, at the same time, informative, should show what has been done in the work and contain all the key words;
— the introduction section introduces the reader to the field of research and its problems, shows the relevance of the study and ends with a clearly formulated purpose statement. Here it is necessary to give an overview of the literature on this topic, indicating the problems that require additional research and that are solved in this work;
— the main part of the paper may contain such sections as "Test Samples", "Research Methods", "Research Results and Discussion", etc. The description of the results presented in the figures should include the interpretation of this information, rather than be reduced to the duplication of figure captions or a simple description of the given dependencies. For example, instead of such non-informative phrases as "Fig. 1 shows an A-B dependence diagram. As seen from the figure, with increasing B, the value of A monotonically decreases.", an explanation should be given, e.g.: "As can be seen from Fig. 1, with increasing B, the value of A monotonically decreases, which indicates that ... ";
— the conclusions section should not repeat the abstract. Here authors should show what has been obtained in the work, state the results of the work briefly and clearly, instead of giving a summary of the article. (The following phrases will be of help to correctly formulate your conclusion: "The study has shown that ...", "The developed technology allows ...", "The authors have established that ...", etc.).
- The list of references (see examples) is formed in order of their appearance in the text. It should be remembered that:
— at least half of the total number of the cited materials should be articles and monographs published over the last five years (up to 10 sources);
— the number of the authors’ own publications should not average more than 25—30% of the total number of the references;
— it is not recommended to include references to normative document: however, if it can’t be avoided, it is better if such sources are mentioned in the text of the article;
— when referring to numeric values, formulas and other factual data taken from the books, it is necessary to specify not only the book, but the page as well (for example, [2, p. 418]).
- At the bottom of the paper, please provide an extended annotation (200—250 words) that should contain all the structural elements of the paper (subject relevance, problem statement, description of the solutions, conclusions and practical significance). This annotation will then be translated by the editors into Ukrainian.
- The editorial board does not impose strict requirements as to the size of articles — as long as it is reasonable. As a rule, articles in "TKEA" take four to seven journal pages, which corresponds to 10—17 pages typed in MS Word document, font Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5.
- The formula editor should be used only for typing complex multi-level formulas, as well as special characters above letter symbols, root expressions, integration limits, etc.; in other cases (simple formulas, font selections, sub/superscripts, etc.), you should use the regular Word menu.
- Units of all quantities must meet modern requirements, and terminology should comply with the one generally accepted. All used symbols and abbreviations should be explained when first mentioned in the text.
- For the convenience of typesetting, it is desirable that the amount of illustrations does not exceed 40% of the total volume of the article.
- At the top of the first page of the article, in addition to its title and author information (name, academic degree, affiliation, e-mail), it is necessary to specify the index for the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC).
P.S. The author can check whether all requirements to the article content are fulfilled, using the criteria for reviewing of the manuscripts (see the review form).
Kondrik O. I., Solopikhin D. А. Influence of the content of impurities and structural defects on the properties of the Cd0.9Mn0.1Te:V-based detector. Technology and design in electronic equipment, 2023, no. 3–4, pp. 52–58.
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Fahrenbruch A. L., Bube R. H. Fundamentals of solar cells: Photovoltaic solar energy conversion. Academic Press, New York, 1983, 559 р.
Mityagin А., Feshchenko V. UV photodetectors based on natural diamon. Odesa, Politehperiodika, 2013, 128 р.
Piprek J. (eds) Optoelectronic Devices. Springer, New York, NY, 2005, 452 р.
Wordelman C. J., Banghart E. K. Charge-Coupled Devices. In: Piprek, J. (eds) Optoelectronic Devices. Springer, New York, NY, 2005, рр. 343–380.
Barry W. W. Power Electronics: Devices, Drivers, Applications, and Passive Components. Barry W Williams, 2006. Available at: (accessed 20.12.2024)
Garg R., Bhartia P., Bahl I. J., Ittipiboon A. Microstrip antenna design handbook. Artech House, Inc., 2001. Available at: (accessed 20.12.2024)
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Dorfman J. Process for etching polyimide substrate in formation of unsupported electrically conductive leads. Pat. USA, no. 4986880, 1996.
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