Publication Ethics

«Technology and design in electronic equipment» journal and Politehperiodika Publishing house comply with the best ethical practices for publication adopted by the international scientific community. We follow the standards and guidelines set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and Elsevier.

The «TKEA» journal publishes the articles, which have not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere, and which contain the veracious, original results of application-oriented experimental or theoretical research on electronic equipment: materials for electronics; development of electronic devices, processes and equipment; electronic components; microprocessors; power electronics; micro- and nanoelectronics; microwave engineering.

Authors are not charged for manuscript processing and publishing materials in the «TKEA» journal.

Editorial responsibilities

While working with manuscripts, the editorial board members are guided by the following rules.

— The editors always strive to improve the quality of the journal, carefully selecting and reviewing materials for publication. The whole responsibility for acceptance or rejection of an article rests with the editor. The article can be rejected without any review, if the editorial board believes that it does not correspond to the subject area of the journal.

— The editors consider all manuscripts submitted for publication without prejudice, evaluating it regardless of race, religion, nationality, status, or institutional affiliation of the authors. If there is any conflict of interest, e.g. the manuscript is closely related to the current or past research of an editor or if the manuscript in question is authored by the editor himself, it should be arranged for some other qualified person to take editorial responsibility for that manuscript.

— The editors carry out a thorough scientific, technical and literary editing of all the materials published in the journal. At the same time, an article ready for publication is always sent to the author for approval.

— The editors do not provide any information whatsoever on the content of the manuscript under consideration to persons other than those involved in its professional assessment.

— The editors do not disclose any information as to the identity of the reviewer to the authors of the article.

— If the editor is presented with convincing evidence that either the main contents or conclusions of the article published in the journal are erroneous, the editor is obliged to publish an appropriate message indicating the error and, if possible, correcting it.

Author's responsibilities

The editors expect the authors of the journal to follow certain requirements.

— Authors will collaborate with the editor in the process of evaluation and preparation of the article for publication.

— Authors sign a copyright agreement, and by doing so they confirm the authenticity of the material presented, and the fact that this material has not been published or submitted for publication in other journals; accept the conditions stipulated in the agreement; bear full responsibility for the content of their articles and the damage that may be caused by the publication of such articles.

— The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the list of co-authors includes all those and only those persons who have made a significant contribution to the work in question and are responsible for the results.

— The authors should inform the editor of a potential conflict that may arise in the event of publication of this manuscript.

— When an error is discovered in a published work, it is the obligation of all authors to promptly retract the paper or correct the results.

Reviewer’s responsibilities

Reviewers are selected considering equivalence of their qualification to the level of the studies presented in the paper. Reviewers are expected to follow certain rules.

— Reviewers should judge objectively the quality of the research reported and respect the intellectual independence of the authors.

— Reviewers should explain and support their judgments in such a way that editors and authors may understand the basis of their comments.

— Reviewers should point out relevant published works that has not been cited by the authors. Any substantial similarity between the manuscript under consideration and any published paper or manuscript submitted concurrently to another journal should be pointed out to the editor.

— Reviewers should treat a manuscript sent for review as a confidential document. They should neither show it to nor discuss it with other persons. Exception can be made in special cases, when a specific advice may be needed; in that event, the identities of those consulted should be disclosed to the editor.

— If there is any possibility of a conflict of interest, in case the manuscript under consideration is closely related to the published works of the reviewer, the reviewer should inform the editor of the matter.

Dealing with misconduct

If any violations are brought to attention (such as plagiarism, research errors and fraud, research standards violations, undisclosed conflicts of interest, reviewer bias or competitive harmful acts by reviewers, multiple/concurrent publication, simultaneous submission), it is the duty of journal editors to investigate suspected cases of misconduct. The editors consider the given evidence of misconduct, along with the explanations given by the accused author, and then make the appropriate decision.

If the violation is a serious one, the editors may send a formal letter to the head of institution or funding body of the alleged guilty part, alerting them to the problem.