Review process

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All manuscripts are subjected to the double-blind peer review. When evaluating the article, the exclusive priority is given to its intellectual component (relevance and originality of the material, research level, usefulness for practical application).

The newly submitted article is first assessed by the editorial board. The editors check whether the paper suits the journal scope and that it is original and relevant. At this stage, the paper may be rejected without further reviewing. Its compliance with the rules for preparing an article for publication in a scientific journal is also monitored.

Then the editor chooses appropriate reviewers (usually two professionals in the field) and contacts them. If reviewers agree, they then evaluate the article and send their reviews back to the editor. If the reviews are significantly different, the editor may invite another reviewer in order to get an extra opinion before deciding.

The editor then makes his decision and sends it via email to the author (including any relevant comments by reviewer if any). If needed, the authors make all the necessary additions and improvements. After that another round of reviewing might be necessary.

When the paper is considered acceptable for publication, it is sent to production.